church service videos 2023

The Christian Liturgical year is divided into s series of seasons where the life and works of Jesus are explained.  The first is Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, starting on November 27th, 2022.  Christmas starts on December 25th and goes until Epiphany which begins on January 6th 2023.  Epiphany lasts until Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday on February 22nd.  Lent goes until Holy Week which starts on April 3rd until easter which is April 9th.  Easter ends on Pentecost and three days later the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth on May 31.  And finally the Ordinary Time which ends on Christ the King Sunday, November 26th.


We have broken the year into it’s seasons and here are the service videos:

ordinary time 2023

Last two Sundays

November 26th worship Service

We have reached the end of that long summer and fall liturgical season called Ordinary Time, only this is no ordinary Sunday.  The season ends with Christ the King Sunday.


Probably the most basic of our foundation stones is that God is Sovereign.  Christ, God in human form, by nature is also Sovereign and therefore has dominion over all of creation.  We celebrate this dominion on the last Sunday of the liturgical year with the Feast of the Reign of Christ, where we give praise and thanks for the work Christ is doing in our world and in our lives. 


At First Presbyterian, we celebrate with the Hanging of the Greens as we decorate the sanctuary in preparation for the Advent Season which starts the new liturgical year (2023-2024) next Sunday on December 3rd


Join us for our November 26th Worship Service.

November 19th worship service

It is almost over.  That Protestant season called Ordinary Time which stretches from Pentecost to Christ the King Sunday (the Sunday before Advent..this year November 26th).  And so our last Sunday in Ordinary Time is this Sunday, the Sunday before Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving is a United States holiday, although it has slipped to a few other countries both officially and unofficially.  In the United States it dates back to the landing of the ship Margaret in Virginia on December 4, 1619 with the annual celebration for a safe journey written into the charter.  Most of us relate the holiday to the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts and the celebration of a good first harvest, usually pictured by a feast attended by settlers and the Native Americans who helped them through their first winter.


The thought behind the holiday is to be thankful.  It is a reminder to spend a little time focusing and appreciating what God has placed in our lives.  The thankful list is long including family, friends, jobs, health, community, faith, and that God is working in our lives every day.  We want to be like the leper who returned to Jesus, thankful that he had been healed (Luke 17:11-19).


Join us for our November 19th Worship Service.

ordinary time 2023

Following Easter which ended with Pentecost on May 28th, Ordinary Time runs from June 4th, Trinity Sunday, until November 26th, Christ the King Sunday, and the end of the Liturgical Years 2023

Join us for our November 12th Worship Service.

Join us for our October 29th Worship Service.                          Join us for our November 5th Worship Service.

Join us for our October 8th Worship Service.                            Join us for our October 22nd Worship Service.

Join us for our September 24th Worship Service.                      Join us for our October 1st Worship Service

Join us for our September 10th Worship Service.                      Join us for the September 17th Worship Service.

Join for our August 27th Worship Service.                                 Join us for our September 3rd Worship Service.

Join us for our August 13th Worship Service.                             Sorry, technical problems with the August 20th Service

Join us for our July 30th Worship Service.                                  Join us for our August 6th Worship Service.

Join us for our July 9th Worship Service.                                    Join us for our July 23rd Worship Service.

Join us for our June 25th Worship Service.                                 Join us for our July 2nd Worship Service

Join us for our June 11th Worship Service                                  Join us for our June 18th Worship Service.

Join for our May 28th Worship Service.                                     Join us for our June 4th Worship Service.


April 9th to May 28th

Join us for our May 21st Worship Service.

Join us for our May 7th Worship Service.                                                                             Join us for our May 14th Worship Service.

Join us for our April 23rd Worship Service.                                                                          Join us for our April 30th Worship Service.

Join us for our April 9th Easter Sunday Worship Service.                                                    Join us for our April 16th Worship Service.


February 22nd through april 2nd

Join us for our 9:30 Worship Service videos during the season of Lent.

April 2nd Psalm Sunday Cantata

                                                                           Maundy Thursday, Service of Tenebrae
Join us for our April 2nd Worship Service.

Join us for our March 26th Worship Service.                                            Join us for our, March 19th Worship Service.

Join us for our March 5th Worship Service                                               Join us for our March 12th Worship Service

Join us for our February 12th Worship Service                                         Join our February 26th Worship Service.                              


January 6th through February 19th

Join us for our February 19th Worship Service

Join us for our February 5th Worship Service                                                          Join us for our  February 12th Worship Service

Join us for our January 22nd Worship Service.                                                        Join us for our January 29th Worship Service.

Join us for the first Sunday in Epiphany, the January 8th Worship Service.            Join us for our January 15th Worship Service.