Women To Women

Every Wednesday morning at 9:30 the Women to Women group gathers in the Fellowship Hall.

Led by Cheryl Leatherman, the group covers a range of current topics impacting women in our modern hectic society.  The group uses several resources including scripture, pamphlets, video and books.

Women to Women has gained an offshoot.  With the help of Donna Nelson Women to Women has started and exercise class Wednesday mornings at 9:00.

Photo:  Cheryl and the Women to Women meeting in the Fellowship Hall

Men's Bible Study

At 11:00 we start to arrive in the Fireside Room.  The first thing is across to the kitchen where the Women to Women Bible Study is wrapping up and we empty their coffee thermos and gaze longingly at the spread of popcorn, cookies and assorted treats.  The women are so kind to let us graze through their generosity.

Rod Thompson leads our group as we learn about scripture and more importantly, how it applies to our ever-changing lives.

Currently we are working our way through Think Differently, an excellent study by James Macdonald which combines scripture with a video presentation and a workbook of probing and enlightening questions/answers.

Photo:  Rod leading the Wednesday morning Men's Bible Study

Penny Carlson's Sunday Bible Study

Penny Carlson currently has one Bible Study in process and is preparing to launch another.

Sunday at 11:00, following the worship service and coffee hour Penny is hosting a Bible Study focusing on the New Testament in the Fireside Room.

Starting February 5, 7:00 PM Wednesday evenings Penny will start leading a weekly Bible Study titled "Life of the Messiah".

Photo:  Penny and her group during her Sunday Bible Study

PAstor Bob's Bible Study

This is an interesting approach to studying scripture.  The study is not based on speed, but focusing on the scripture, discussing it in detail and interpreting what the scripture would have meant to the people 2000 years ago, and what it means to us in our daily lives.

Sometimes we even manage to go through half a dozen scriptures in an hour of study.

Bob's group meets on Fridays at 11:00 in the Fireside Room.

We have just started the Gospel of Mark.  We can tell already it is going to be an interesting and enlightening study.

Photo:  Lively discussion and a wealth of information is what we receive during Pastor Bob's Friday Bible Study.  Here he seen leading the discussion last Friday, January 17th.