We have reached the last day of the Christmas Season, kind of hard to believe. For many of us it actually started months ago with the planning and logistics coordination. Then there was the Christmas Card sending, followed by Advent as we prepared to receive and appreciate once again the gift that God send to his people over 2,00 years ago.
Then we started receiving Christmas Cards others had sent, and the memories of friends and family and community brought a combination of joy, a touch of longing and a little bit of sorrow, but worth every moment.
Somewhere along the way we realize that while it seems the season is temporary, it is also something which sticks with us throughout the year. And many of us take a moment and pause…realizing that while these 12 days are a time of reconciliation, forgiveness, hope, peace, all under a blanket of joy…we know and understand that it our job to reach out and touch where we can and carry the season for the next 11 months until lit starts all over again.
As we roll into 2025, each of you have a blessed year, and carry that Christmas Spirit where ever we go. Join us for our January 5th Worship Service.
Gathering Music: Impromptu Choir
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands"
Announcements: Chris Buchanan
Call To Worship: Pastor Ron Urzua
Songs of Praise: Praise Team
"Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"
"Lord, I Lift Your Name on High"
Congregational Prayer: Pastor Ron
Scripture: Pastor Ron
Isaiah 43:1-18
Message: Pastor Ron
"The Real Mind Blower"
Communion: Pastor Ron / Rod Thompson / Lea Blair
Dedication of Offerings: Beverly Beck
Doxology: Praise Team
Closing Hymn: Praise Team
"Go Tell It on the Mountain"
Blessing: Pastor Ron
Pastor Ron Urzua and Pastor Bob Ramos
Music Director: Lucinda Anderson
Accompanist: Donna Nelson- Piano
Photo: January 5 Communion Table and Taking Communion
121 Davis Street Santa Paula, California