Steve Batstone Music Director

Slowly he lifts his arms, a quick glance to Nancy at the piano who nods back, a measured count and on the down beat he whispers the first word and three beats later he stops us saying, "maybe we need to just read through the lines first."  Sometimes it is not easy being a choir director, no matter how enthusiastic the singers.

In addition to the Chancel Choir Steve, Steve also directs the Praise Team which starts every 9:30 service in the church sanctuary. 

His duties also include directing the hand bell ringers and choosing the music for the 9:30 service. 

In his spare time he organizes and prepares music for special programs such as the Good Friday Service and the Christmas Program, which for the last two years have been performed in conjunction with the Santa Paula High School Choir.

Photos from left to right:  Praise Team which opens every 9:30 service, Steve singing during Advent, the Chancel Choir